The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) at the National Disability Authority (NDA) has a remit to advance the promotion of Universal Design in education in Ireland. We work to integrate Universal Design as part of education programmes at Primary, Secondary, Third Level and in CPD. Programmes for younger learners also work to recognise the learning by the participating adults.
Integration of the Principles of Universal Design for more accessibility and usability helps to prioritise the needs of people with the more diverse abilities, characteristics and preferences, leading to the creation of design solutions that reduce barriers and help enable all people to participate as members of society.
Reports on Primary Level programmes showcased here include:
- Universal Design in the Power of Design 2022 – 2023
Universal Design in the Power of Design 2022 – 2023
Universal Design in the Power of Design 2022 -2023 Report
Junior Achievement Ireland inspires and motivates young people to succeed in the changing world of work by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence. One of the many programmes that they run is the Power of Design. This 3-hour design workshop highlights to students the importance of design in day to day life. The workshop explores what design is and why it is important along with an exploration of careers in design. The Universal Design part of the workshop is based on our video called "Meet the Normals". The report linked above shows an analysis of the Power of Design programme and the impact that it has on teachers, volunteers and the students each year as it continues to build on its outputs year on year.