The Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets are aimed at designers, building managers and owners of facilities as well as clients, industry professionals and disability stakeholders.
The purpose of the guidelines is to:
- provide good practice guidance on the location of Changing Places Toilets, having regard to the use and operation of a building
- provide good practice guidance on the provision and design of Changing Places Toilets
- provide good practice guidance on managing and maintaining Changing Places Toilets
- complement implementation of the Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022, which make provision for Changing Places Toilets, having regard to the use and size of a building
The guidelines and summary documents are available for download below in a range of formats:
- Browsable version of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
- Accessible PDF version of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
- Screen Reader Accessible Word version of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets (in addition to minimum accessibility features, automatic numbering has been replaced with manual numbering, bullet points have been replaced with an asterisk, decorative images and logos have been removed, other images have been replaced with a description of the image and manual page numbers have been inserted at the top of each page.)
- Easy to Read Summary of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
- Plain English Summary of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
- ISL Summary in video format of the Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
Screen Reader Accessible Word version of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
Easy to Read Summary of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
Plain English Summary of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets
ISL summary of Universal Design Guidelines for Changing Places Toilets