In these guidelines, the terms ‘people/persons with disabilities’ and ‘disabled people’ are used interchangeably. The term ‘disabled people’ is recognised by many within the disability rights movement in Ireland to align with the social model and human rights approach of disability, as it is considered to acknowledge the fact that people with an impairment are disabled by barriers in the environment and society. However, we also recognise that others prefer the term ‘people/persons with disabilities’ because of the inherent understanding in the term that they are first and foremost human beings entitled to human rights. This also reflects the language used in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). We recognise that many people with an intellectual disability, people with a mental health difficulty or psycho-social disability prefer person-first language. We also recognise that some people don’t identify with either term. 

Refer to the NDA advice paper on disability language and terminology for further information.