
Topics of the seminar included building accessibility in your design or development process, testing accessibility to confirm compliance, going beyond compliance and user involvement and engagement in designing and delivering digital services. The event bought together public body and accessibility professionals from across the private sector to discuss issues around web accessibility today.

Introduction and Opening

  • Dónal Rice. Head of Monitoring – EU Web Accessibility Directive. National Disability Authority
  • John Barron. CIO. Revenue Commissioners.
  • Brian Dalton. Accessibility Test Lead – A user’s experience of government digital services.

Panel 1 – Public sector perspectives on accessibility

  • Karin Whooley, Principal clerk (previously web manager) Houses of the Oireachtas)
  • James Northridge, Manager for Inclusive UCC
  • James Killeen, A/Web manager. Mayo County Council
  • Ron Beenen, Deque Systems
  • Orla Kealy, Senior Staff Officer, Kildare Wicklow ETB

Panel 2 – Building accessibility into the design and development of digital services

Moderator: Jakub Christoph. Secretary General at CEPIS and ITPE/ ICS

  • Sorca Duffy, UX / UI designer. Health Services Executive
  • Mick Keane, Accessibility Engineer. Optum.
  • Aoife Geoghegan, Head of Design and Content. Office of the Government Chief Information Officer.
  • Brendan MacDonagh, Kooba
  • Bridget Connaughton, Lead Designer. ESB

Closing reflections

Trevor Vaugh – Public Service Design Lead, Department of Public Expenditure NDP.

Presentation Slides - From Compliance to Excellence