In 2022, Part M of the Building Regulations was amended by the Minister of State for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to make provision for Changing Places Toilets in certain buildings.

The Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022 were accompanied by a revised Technical Guidance Document M Access and Use 2022 (TGD M 2022).

M4 of the Second Schedule of the Building Regulations 2022 states: ‘where sanitary facilities are provided in a building, or in a building that is to be extended, adequate provision shall be made for people to access and use a Changing Places Toilet, having regard to the use and size of the building’.

TGD M 2022 provides guidance on the minimum provisions for Changing Places Toilets to meet the requirements of Part M of the Building Regulations. 

Where works are carried out in accordance with the guidance in TGD M 2022, this will, prima facie[1], indicate compliance with Part M of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations (as amended). However, the adoption of an approach other than that outlined in the guidance is not precluded provided that the relevant requirements of the Regulations are complied with.

TGD M 2022 does not include guidance on management or maintenance of Changing Places Toilets facilities, as this is outside the scope of the Building Regulations. However, it is acknowledged that management and maintenance are important functions and contribute to the ongoing accessibility of the building.