These guidelines are aimed at designers, building managers and owners of facilities as well as clients, industry professionals and disability stakeholders. The purpose of this document is to:

  • provide good practice guidance on the location of Changing Places Toilets, having regard to the use and operation of a building[1] 
  • provide good practice guidance on the provision and design of Changing Places Toilets
  • provide good practice guidance on managing and maintaining Changing Places Toilets
  • complement implementation of the Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022, which make provision for Changing Places Toilets, having regard to the use and size of a building

The minimum requirements for the provision of Changing Places Toilets in certain buildings are set out in the Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022 and the associated Technical Guidance Document M 2022 (TGD M 2022).

While the Part M requirements may be regarded as a statutory minimum level of provision, the accompanying technical guidance states that ‘those involved in the design and construction of buildings should also have regard to the design philosophy of Universal Design and consider making additional provisions where practicable and appropriate.’

A Universal Design approach recognises and extends beyond minimum requirements. These guidelines include a range of good practice recommendations that in some cases go beyond the minimum requirements of the Building Regulations.


  1. See Technical Guidance Document M 2022 Section (b)(i)