In some mixed-use buildings, there may be a number of relevant building uses that exceed the size criteria in Table 1 of TGD M 2022.
Under the provisions of TGD M 2022, it is adequate to provide a single Changing Places Toilet in such a building if it is suitably located, having regard to the operation and use patterns of all the relevant building uses.
For example, it may be located adjacent to other sanitary facilities that are open to users of all the relevant building uses and available for use at the same time as those other sanitary facilities.
If the building layout or management arrangements do not facilitate access to the Changing Places Toilet for users of each relevant building use, the provision of more than one Changing Places Toilet in the building may be necessary to meet the requirements of the Building Regulations for each relevant building use.
For example, in a mixed-use building comprising a shopping centre and cinema, where the sizes of both uses exceed the criteria in Table 1 of TGD M 2022, access to a shared Changing Places Toilet should be available from when the shopping centre opens until the cinema closes. Alternatively, a separate Changing Places Toilet should be provided for each use to ensure access to a Changing Places Toilet is provided for users of both the shopping centre and cinema throughout their respective opening hours.