Pre-visit information is typically provided on a website and should include the information in the checklist below. Appointed Person to Manage and Maintain the Facility

  • Contact person’s name, number, and e-mail 
  • Explicitly state wait-time to return call/email
  • Contact person should be reachable for the duration when the facility is open Appointed Person in Case of Emergency

  • Contact person’s name, number, and e-mail
  • Explicitly state wait-time to return call/email
  • Contact person should be reachable for the duration when the facility is open Details about the Changing Places Toilet

  • Location of the Changing Places Toilet
  • Opening hours
  • Methods of access, for example, is the facility unlocked, locked by a key, or is there another method of opening including information on any security arrangements
  • Car-parking spaces and approach routes, distance to the facility from accessible parking spaces and the opening hours of parking
  • Photographs of the Changing Places Toilet, the approach to the facility and its equipment 
  • Description of the facility and equipment in place including the size of the room 
  • Specifications on the equipment including the load weight capacity and style of hoist and changing bench and what type of slings are compatible with the hoist
  • Downloadable instructions for using the hoist, changing bench, washbasin etc.
  • Reminder to users to bring own sling(s), and towels if there is a shower facility
  • Any unique functions of the facility, for example option to switch off the hand dryer and availability of extra attachments for the hoist and where to retrieve them
  • A post-visit evaluation form

Include the Changing Places Toilet in the social story of the building, if there is one to download for visitors. A social story is a social learning tool that supports the safe and meaningful exchange of information between parents, professionals, and people with autism of all ages. 

It is also recommended that members of the local community are made aware of the availability of Changing Places Toilets, for example by making printed maps and guides available at reception areas in local buildings such as public libraries and community facilities. This will create an awareness among the community about the facility and will promote the use of the Changing Places Toilet. Pre-visit Information for Existing ‘Step-Down Facilities’

In Ireland, there are a number of existing sanitary facilities that were installed prior to the publication of the Building Regulations (Part M Amendment) Regulations 2022 that meet some but not all of the requirements for a Changing Places Toilet. For example, the room might be smaller than the recommended size, it might be missing some essential equipment, or the equipment may not meet minimum requirements such as the load/weight capacity of a hoist or changing bench. Some of these facilities are referred to as ‘step-down’ facilities.

Where an existing facility does not meet all the requirements for a Changing Places Toilet, pre-visit information should clearly indicate the size of the room, as well as specifications and equipment that are in place, so that users can assess in advance whether it will be accessible to them.