
Make sure the tab order follows the most logical visual order of page elements

  • The default order is the order that elements appear in the underlying HTML that produces the page – left to right, top to bottom. If you are using CSS to position elements – especially if floating elements to the left and right – this may affect the tab order;
  • While it is possible to specify a tab order, overriding the default, you would have to specify the tab order of everything that proceeds that element on the page. This could be very tricky to achieve, especially when some elements, like the header and footer, may appear on every page;
  • A good way to ensure the tab order through your designs is logical, is to avoid using layout options that affect the position in the code, such as “float”, and use alternative CSS methods, such as “display: table” and “display: table-cell”.

Tab order follows the order in which elements appear in the HTML – left to right, top to bottom.

Six boxes, laid out in two rows and three columns. Arrows indictate a direction from left to right on the first row, before moving down to the second row and continuing in the same manner, from left to right.
Figure 1

If a top to bottom, left to right order is more logical for your content, simply group your content, using a <div> – the tab order will follow the content in the first <div> before moving to the next, from left to right.

Six boxes, laid out in two rows and three columns, grouped by a container around each column. Arrows indictate a direction from top to bottom on the first column, before moving from left to right across the next two columns with arrows indictating a direction from top to bottom within each column.
Figure 2

Make sure the focus indicator is visible

The focus indicator is a visual effect – usually a blue border or dotted ring – applied by default, by the browser to the interactive element – link, form field, button – that you are currently ‘on’, indicating that it is the current, active element. 

It is not uncommon for designers to supress the focus indicator using CSS, for aesthetic reasons, without realising how detrimental that is to users who rely on it for navigation. 

Never suppress the focus indicator without providing a better alternative.

If necessary – for example, if you have interactive elements against a background which is the same colour as your focus indicator – you can augment the focus indicator. Providing a border that works against both light and dark backgrounds is advisable.

Examples of good and bad practice

A screenshot with a link that reads, "I’ve taught 1,000 kids in India’s slums during Covid". As well as an underline there is a blue border around the link.
Figure 3

The focus indicator is clearly visible around the “I’ve taught 1,000 kids in India’s slums during Covid” link

A screenshot of a menu of links on a white background. There is a teal border around one of the links.
Figure 4
A screenshot of a menu of links on a teal background. There is a white border around one of the links.
Figure 5

The focus indicator has been enhanced so that it works against both light and dark backgrounds

A screenshot of a menu of links. None of the links have a visual focus indicator.
Figure 6

There is no focus indicator on the “eCommerce Websites” link – it is extremely difficult to determine which is the current, active element.


WCAG 2.1

  • 1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence (A)
  • 2.4.3 Focus Order (A)
  • 2.4.7 Focus Visible (AA)

EN 301 549 v 2.1.2

  • Meaningful Sequence
  • Focus Order
  • Focus Visible

Further reading