Digital and Web Based Guidance
Following are some key digital and web based communication design considerations on how to enhance customer communication with members of the public.
The guidance should be applied when designing ways to communicate with members of the public by telephone, email, enewsletter, websites or social media.
Live Web chat is a service that allows communication (or chat) by text in real time with visitors to their website. Live Web chat is commonly used to provide immediate customer support and information. A transcript of the chat can be emailed to the customer.
The EU Web Accessibility Directive requires that websites and mobile apps of public bodies are accessible to persons with disabilities. Public bodies must:
- ensure their website and mobile apps comply with the European standard EN 301 549.
- provide and maintain a detailed Accessibility Statement.
- provide an accessible means for making a complaint about the site’s/app’s accessibility.
- build capacity and awareness of web accessibility.
The accessibility requirements for websites and mobiles apps in EN 301 549 are equivalent, for the most part, to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1.
Learn more
The NDA website has up-to-date information on the EU Web Accessibility Directive, including Ireland’s monitoring reports.
The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) provides detailed guidance on web accessibility techniques for developers, designers and content creators/editors as well as practical training webinars on the Directive.