If there are issues with the quality of the content on your website, members of the public will quickly identify it. The guidance below is provided to help develop good quality website content.
Make sure your content is up-to-date
Out-of-date content will undermine the quality of the surrounding content.
Use correct spelling and punctuation
This can impact on the credibility of your website, and additionally, your services.
Be consistent with terms and formats
Use the same terms and formats for the same concept throughout your website.
For example, don’t change writing the date as ‘7 July 2020’ to writing it as the ‘07/07/20’.
Learn more
For further information on writing dates, addresses and numbers, please see Writing Addresses, Section 1: Written Communication
Content quality control process
The following steps can be put in place to manage the quality of your content:
Assign a designated manager
Have a manager take ownership of the content function and manage it actively.
Put in place a content review process
Establish an editorial process that involves at least one round of revision and sign-off on all content.
Provide training on developing web content
Content development should be included in relevant job descriptions. All content editors and authors should be trained so they know how to prepare web content and monitor content quality.
Develop a house style guide
The content authors and editors should be supported with a house style guide, or relevant standards and guidelines.
An example of a house style guide is available at: Gov.ie style guide
One of the most valuable processes to ensure content quality is to carry out regular reviews and to include customer feedback in these.
A review should look at each item in a body of text and assess it against the house style guide, standards and guidelines.
Content Quality Checklist
- Make sure your content is up to date.
- Use correct spelling and punctuation.
- Be consistent with terms and formats.
- Put a content quality process in place:
- Assign a designated manager with responsibility for content.
- Put in place a content review process before information is placed on your website.