EU Web Accessibility Directive

The S.I. 356/2020 European Union (Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Sector Bodies) Regulations 2020 came into force on 23 September 2020. S.I. 358/2020 give effect to the EU “Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of the websites and mobile applications of Public Procurement of accessible websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies”. This is known as the Web Accessibility Directive (WAD). NDA is named in S.I. 358/2020 as the National Monitoring Body for the purposes of the WAD.

Public procurement of accessible websites and mobile apps

Public Sector bodies in Ireland must ensure their websites and mobile apps are accessible to people with disabilities. Read NDA’s Guidance on the public procurement of accessible websites and mobile apps

NDA's Web and mobile techniques

While accessibility guidelines are essential for setting, examining and referencing a desired level of accessibility, they can be cumbersome to use for anyone other than auditors or other accessibility professionals. The information in this section provides practical, advice and direction for anyone involved in web development, design and content. Topics covered include developing accessible data tables, using colour wisely, writing well structured content and so on.

NDA ICS WAD Training Series

The National Disability Authority in partnership with the Irish Computer Society (ICS) continues its series of information and training events to promote accessibility practice among public bodies and digital agencies. Exploring topics including universal design, accessible documents and organisational roles to improve the accessibility of websites and mobile apps, the series will consider the path to compliance with the EU Web Accessibility Directive.

2023 Webinars

Slides: Accessibility for Developers Aria and accessibility Tree

PowerPoint presentation by Will Sutton, Ability Net

Slides: Embedding accessibility at every stage of your project

PowerPoint presentation by Jack Baker, Ability Net

Slides: How to begin your own Accessibility Testing

PowerPoint presentation by Jessica Cahill, AbilityNet

Slides: Accessibility InDesign

PowerPoint presentation by James Baverstock , AbilityNet

2022 Webinars

Slides - Accessibility: The right choice - Inclusion, universal design and accessibility in online public services

PowerPoint presentation by Dónal Rice (NDA), Ben Adamson (NDA) and Gerry Ellis (FeelTheBenefIT)

Slides - How to Create Accessible Documents and Presentations

PowerPoint presentation by Joe Chidzik, AbilityNet

Slides - Accessibility Testing in Mobile Apps

PowerPoint presentation by Joe Chidzik, AbilityNet

Slides - Organisational factors to improve accessibility

Powerpoint presentation by Dr Eric Velleman


2021 Webinars

Slides- An Introduction to EU Web Accessibility Directive

PowerPoint presentation by Dónal Rice(NDA)and Mary Cleary(ICS)

Slides- An Introduction to EU Web Accessibility Directive in Practise

PDF Presentation by by Dónal Rice(NDA) and Joana Condeco(Ability Net)

Slides- Creating Accessible Digital Content

PowerPoint Presentation by Dónal Rice(NDA), Jacinta Byrne(NDA), Kyran O'Mahoney(NCBI) and Sean Doran(NCBI)

Slides- Reviewing you website Compliance

Powerpoint Presentation by Dónal Rice(NDA), Donal Fitzpatrick (NDA) and Pat Cullen (InterAccess)

Slides-Understanding Accessibility Evaluations and Testing Results

PowerPoint Presentation by Alice Taylor, Ability Net

Slides: Accessibility for Copywriters

PDF Presentation by Jessica Cahill, AbilityNet

Guidance and resources

The following is a listing of some of the best resources on website and mobile app accessibility. The most authoritative source of information on web accessibility is the W3C’s Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). While we do not endorse any of the companies that provide some of the other resources, we regularly use or follow their advice. 

Web Accessibility Initiative Logo

Web accessibility is essential for people with disabilities and useful for all. Watch this video from the WAI about the impact of accessibility and the benefits for everyone in a variety of situations. (7:36 minutes)

Explanation of why web accessibility is important with video’s in page which illustrate the barriers faced by people with various disabilities including temporary limitations e.g. broken arm. The videos have examples of how web accessibility issues cause barriers on PCs, tablets and mobile phones.

Collection of articles on how people with various disabilities use technology, each article focuses on one disability e.g. How do Deaf and Hard of Hearing People use Technology.

Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of the World Wide Web said: The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect.

Good introduction to the opportunities and barriers created by the internet for people with disabilities. Sections on HTML, ARIA and CSS accessibility, document and media accessibility and evaluation, testing and tools.

Free advanced course on making web applications accessible. Explores why users need accessibility and how to implement.

Free intermediate course taught in collaboration with Facebook on designing an intuitive, user-centred mobile app

Free intermediate level course taught in collaboration with Facebook designing an intuitive, user-centred mobile app

Google Chrome Developers and Rod Dodson discuss some of the important considerations when making edits to the design of a website for improved accessibility.

Demonstration by screen reader user highlighting the importance of alt text etc. for this technology.

Developer with Google talks about why it is important to think accessibility from the start focusing on screen readers.

NDA's Web Accessibility Techniques

This page by the WAI is a good introduction and overview in plain English.

This page by WAI helps beginners start to assess the accessibility of a webpage. It covers a few accessibility issues and is designed to be quick and easy. Very good for beginners – user friendly and plain English.

Article in Web Fundamentals breaking down the issues to consider into a logical, step by step process for reviewing an existing site for accessibility.

Overview with pointers to address most critical issues that need to be addressed urgently.

AbilityNet Advice on what suppliers and buyers should remember to ensure digital accessibility.

How to develop a policy for creating, managing and delivering accessible websites

Four part guide to integrating accessibility throughout the web production process.

Introduction and explanation of why accessibility is essential for people with disabilities and useful for all.

W3C's introduction provides "a non-normative extended commentary on each guideline and each Success Criterion to help readers better understand the intent and how the guidelines and Success Criteria work together. "

PDF version of the EN from ETSI

Advice from the European Commission on EN 301 549

Advice from the European Commission on the latest changes to EN 301 549 and the rationale behind them.

Related content

Introduction to the EU Web Accessibility Directive
